Configuring proxy on Nagios Linux CentOS

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Problems Using Nagios XI With Proxies
We do not officially support Nagios XI when you install and use proxy software that restricts traffic to or from the Nagios XI server. There are several reasons for this. First, Nagios XI requires external access for package installation and updates. Package installation and updates may not work when proxies are used. Additionally, the Nagios XI code makes several internal HTTP calls to the local Nagios XI server to import configuration data, apply configuration changes, process AJAX requests, etc. These functions may not work properly when you deploy a proxy, which would result in a non-functional Nagios XI installation.

There are two things that need to be configured to make XI installation work with a proxy; the yum and wget configurations. Do both of these before starting anything about the installation process.

In /etc/yum.conf :
 proxy=http://someproxyserver:port/ # Shouldn't need to be quoted, remember the trailing slash
 proxy_username=myname  # The username you authenticate to your proxy with, if applicable
 proxy_password=mypass  # The password you provide to your proxy, if applicable
In /etc/wgetrc :
 http_proxy=http://myname:mypass@someproxyserver:port/ # All in one string this time
 no_proxy=localhost,,,, # Hosts to exclude from proxying
If you are using an https proxy:
Quoting is not needed (or helpful) in any of these, but if you have special characters in passwords (especially : or @) and are having problems you probably need to escape them with backslashes.

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