View Mailbox Sizes for Exchange 2003 and Exchange 2010 through Powershell

If you need to view mailbox sizes for users in your Exchange organisation, you can do this from an Exchange Management Shell (EMS) for both Exchange 2003 and Exchange 2007/2010.

For your Exchange 2007/2010 users use the following command from EMS:

get-mailboxstatistics | fl displayname,totalitemsize

For your Exchange 2003 users use the following command from EMS:

Get-Wmiobject -namespace root\MicrosoftExchangeV2 -class exchange_mailbox -computer Ex2003ServerName | sort -desc size | select storageGroupName,StoreName,MailboxDisplayName,Size,TotalItems

Remote Access to ESXi Shell Using SSH

Remote Access to ESXi Shell Using SSH

If Secure Shell is enabled for the ESXi Shell, you can run shell commands by using a Secure Shell client such as SSH or PuTTY.
Enabling SSH for the ESXi Shell
By default, you cannot access the ESXi Shell using a Secure Shell client. You can enable SSH access from the direct console.

To enable SSH access in the direct console
At the direct console of the ESXi host, press F2 and provide credentials when prompted.
Scroll to Troubleshooting Options, and press Enter.
Select Enable SSH and press Enter once.
On the left, Enable SSH changes to Disable SSH. On the right, SSH is Disabled changes to SSH is Enabled.
Press Esc until you return to the main direct console screen.
You can enable remote command execution from the vSphere Client.

To enable SSH from the vSphere Client
Select the host and click the Configuration tab.
Click Security Profile in the Software panel.
In the Services section, click Properties.
Select SSH and click Options.
Change the SSH options.
To temporarily start or stop the service, click the Start or Stop button.
To enable SSH permanently, click Start and stop with host. The change takes effect the next time you reboot the host.
Click OK.
After you have enabled SSH, you can use an SSH client to log in to the ESXi Shell and run ESXi Shell commands.
Accessing the ESXi Shell with SSH
If SSH is enabled on your ESXi host, you can use an SSH client to run commands on that shell.

To access the ESXi Shell with SSH
Open an SSH client.
Specify the IP address or domain name of the ESXi host.
Precise directions vary depending on the SSH client you use. See vendor documentation and support.
Provide credentials when prompted.

How to check if the initial replication (DFSR) was completed successfully

This will guide you on how to check the DFS Replication (DFSR) status.

Event Viewer:
A separate event (4104) is thrown for each replicated folder on each downstream partner. For example, if there are three downstream partners with four replicated folders each then a total of 12 events will be thrown on all downstream partners.
Open the Event Viewer snap-in on the server, navigate to the DFSR event log, and then check the 4104 events for your replicated folders.

You can also check the status of initial replication by running the following command on the downstream machine. This is especially handy if the event log has been cleared.

C:\Wmic /namespace:\\root\microsoftdfs path dfsrreplicatedfolderinfo get replicationgroupname,replicatedfoldername,state

ReplicatedFolderName  ReplicationGroupName  State DATA                  Test-RG               4

The state for each folder that has completed initial replication is 4. For all other folders that are still in the process of initial replication, the ‘State’ will be 2.

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