Fix MBR after removing UBUNTU from Windows/Ubuntu Dual boot

After removing the Ubuntu partitions under Windows Disk Management, the OS will not be able to boot up. There is a need to fix the MBR (remove GRUB).

Get a Windows 7/8 bootable disk/flash drive, then choose repair option.
Go to Command Prompt and type the following:


Then reboot your computer.

Done! That's how i remove ubuntu from my laptop. :-)

Or this alternative

  • Download and burn the Super Grub Disk ISO to a CD.
  • Boot from it.
  • Select the Choose Language & HELP :-)) entry.
  • Select the English entry.
  • Select the Windows entry.
  • Select the Fix Boot of Windows entry.
  • Reboot once the process is complete.

Source link

Get Top Memory Usage using Powershell

Here is a good powershell code that will output the top 5 memory usage and the user using it.

Code Snippets

get-wmiobject WIN32_PROCESS | Sort-Object -Property ws -Descending|select -first 5|Select processname, @{Name="Mem Usage(MB)";Expression={[math]::round($ / 1mb)}},@{Name="ProcessID";Expression={[String]$_.ProcessID}},@{Name="UserID";Expression={$_.getowner().user}}

How To Install Windows 8 From a USB Device

Instructions on Using a USB Flash Drive To Install Windows 8 by Tim Fisher

Source Link

  • A flash drive (4 GB or more)
  • A Windows 8 DVD or Windows 8 ISO file
  • Access to a working computer, with a DVD drive if you have a Windows 8 DVD, with Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, or Windows XP installed
Important: If you have a Windows 8 ISO file and want that on a flash drive, start with Step 2. If you have a Windows 8 DVD and need that on the flash drive, start with Step 1.

Here's How:

  1. Create an ISO file from the Windows 8 DVD. This is the procedure by which you create a single file, called an ISO image, that contains all the data stored on the Windows 8 setup DVD disc.

    Once you have an ISO image created from your Windows 8 disc, come back here and continue on with this tutorial which will explain how to get that ISO file onto a flash drive.

    Note: If you already know how to create ISO files with your favorite program, often called "ripping," then do so in whatever way you're used to doing it. However, if you've never created an ISO image, or don't have a program installed right now that does it, please see the linked tutorial above for complete instructions on doing so with a free program.
  2. Download the Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool from Microsoft and then install it.

    This free program from Microsoft properly formats your flash drive and then copies the contents of the Windows 8 installation ISO file you have to that flash drive.

    Note: Don't worry that this program has Windows 7 in the title. This program works perfectly well with Windows 8 ISO files and can be installed in Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, or Windows XP.
  3. Start the Windows 7 USB DVD Download Tool program. You should be able to find the shortcut on the Desktop, as well as in your Start menu or on your Start screen, depending on which version of Windows you installed the program on.
  4. Click Browse on the Step 1 of 4: Choose ISO file screen.
  5. Locate, and then select, your Windows 8 ISO file. Then click or touch Open.

    Note: If you downloaded Windows 8 from Microsoft, check your Downloads folder or your Desktop for the ISO image. If you created an ISO image from your Windows 8 DVD, the ISO file will be wherever you created it to.
  6. Click or touch Next.
  7. Choose USB device on the Step 2 of 4: Choose media type screen.

    Note: As you can see here, there is also a DVD option. While it doesn't do us much good in this case, since the end game is to get Windows 8's setup files on a flash drive, you could also use this tool to burn a Windows 8 ISO image to a DVD or BD disc.
  8. On the Step 3 of 4: Insert USB device screen, choose from the drop-down box the flash drive or USB-connected external hard drive you want to put the Windows 8 setup files onto and then touch or click Begin copying.

    Tip: If you haven't yet plugged in the USB storage device you're planning on using, you can do that now and then touch or click the blue refresh button to make it show up in the list.
  9. Click or touch Erase USB Device if you're prompted to do so on a Not Enough Free Space window. If you don't see this, don't worry, it just means that your flash drive or external hard disk is already empty.

    Important: If this message didn't make it apparent, you should know that whatever data you might have on this drive is going to be erased as part of the process of getting the Windows 8 setup files copied.
  10. On Step 4 of 4: Creating bootable USB device, just wait for the Windows 7 USB DVD Download Tool to prepare the drive and copy the Windows 8 installation files to it.

    The first Status you see will be Formatting, which will take anywhere from a few to several seconds, depending on how large the USB drive is that you're using. Next will be Copying files which could take anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes, possibly longer, depending on which Windows 8 ISO file you're working from, as well as on how fast your flash drive, USB connection, and computer is.

    Tip: Don't worry if the percentage indicator jumps ahead quickly but then sits on a single number for a very long time. While it might not make a lot of sense to behave that way, it doesn't necessarily mean anything is wrong.
  11. Assuming everything went as planned, the next screen should say Bootable USB device created successfully with a Status that says Backup completed.

    You can now close the Windows 7 USB DVD Download Tool program window. The flash drive, or other external USB drive you're using, now has the necessary files on it to install Windows 8 and is also properly configured to be booted from.
  12. Boot from the USB device that you just created to start the Windows 8 install process.

    Tip: If the Windows 8 setup process doesn't start, it's very likely that you'll need to make boot order changes in the BIOS. See How To Change the Boot Order in BIOS if you need help doing that.

    Tip: If you have a UEFI based system and you still can't boot Windows 8 Setup from the flash drive, even after setting the USB device first in the boot order, see Tip #1 below for help.

    Note: If you came here from my How To Clean Install Windows 8 tutorial, you can return there now to continue the walkthrough of that process.


  1. The Windows 7 USB DVD Download Tool formats the USB drive as NTFS, a file system that many UEFI based computers will not boot from when on a USB drive.

    To work around this issue, you'll need to copy the data off the flash drive, reformat the flash drive using the older FAT32 file system, and then copy the data back onto it.

SanDisk Flash Drive NOT detected by the Windows PC

Why did my Windows computer stop detecting my SanDisk USB flash drive?
Advanced Troubleshooting
Note: This article is advanced troubleshooting for a rare condition wherein a flash drive stops getting recognized on a Windows computer, but is still working on other computers. Please reference the following articles first before attempting the instructions in this article.
A corrupt registry entry could cause your SanDisk product to not be detected by the computer. Removing the registry keys created on installation of your SanDisk product will allow the computer to fully reinstall the device and may resolve the issue.

STEP 1 - Backup the registry
1. Unplug the device from the USB port.
2. Run regedit.
Windows XP: Go to Start > Run, type in regedit and then click OK.
Windows 7, 8 and Vista: Click the Start button, type regedit in the search box, and then press Enter.

3. From the registry menu, choose File > Export.
4. Name the file SNDK.reg and save it to your desktop.

STEP 2 - Remove SanDisk info from the registry

WARNING: DO NOT delete any registry key other than keys that include VID_0781. Deleting registry keys other than keys that include VID_0781 MAY cause your computer to not boot properly.

1. From the registry menu, click Edit and choose Find.
2. Type in VID_0781 and click Find Next.
3. Once the search finishes, right-click the highlighted registry key and select delete.
4. Press the F3 key to find the next registry key that includes VID_0781.
5. Right-click the highlighted registry key and select delete.
6. Repeat this process until the search returns with No results Found.

NOTE: Under Windows 7, 8 and Vista, some registry keys may be protected and cannot be deleted. Simply skip over these keys if you receive a message that the key cannot be deleted.

7. Once all registry keys containing VID_0781 have been deleted, reboot your computer.
8. Plug the device into the computer after it's finished rebooting.

Putty CLI

putty.exe -ssh userid@hostname -pw password -m c:\temp\putty.txt

This will auto run the command stated in the putty.txt file.