HP Network Config Corrupt XML file messages

Error : "Corrupt XML file messages when you click on the VLAN tab of the network configuration utility plus missing VLAN parameter errors in the Windows event log. This might only occur if you have teamed two or more network interface cards. (HP calls each card a Miniport.):
- An error occurred due to invalid data in the XML file used by this application. The XML file has been corrupted and should be reinstalled from the installation media."

Solution: The solution is to rename the directory that the network configuration utility was originally installed in (normally C:\Program Files\HP\NCU), and then reinstall the network configuration utility. That forces it to install the new version of the XML file. Your existing network configuration will be lost."

Updated Solution:
1) Create 'VlanID' and 'VlanDefaultID' REG_DWORD 0x0 values 
in 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\0008'

I then restarted the server and dissolved and re-created the team. This has solved the problems of the erroneous error messages concerning a corrupt XML file. 

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