Check MS Outlook Empty Subject

Do you constantly send email without a subject using Outlook?

Here's the solution.

Article Source Link

To create the macro in Outlook 2003, go to Tools -> Macro -> Visual Basic Editor (this feature has to be installed). In Microsoft Office Outlook Objects -> ThisOutlookSession, paste the following code:

Private Sub Application_ItemSend _
(ByVal Item As Object, Cancel As Boolean)
Dim strMessage As String
Dim lngRes As Long
If Item.Subject = "" Then
Cancel = True
strMessage = "Please fill in the subject before sending."
MsgBox strMessage, _
vbExclamation + vbSystemModal, "Missing Subject"
End If
End Sub

Go to Tools -> Trust Center -> Macro Security
and select "No security check for macros."
Note you know what types of macro are running.


Remove PDF Document Restrictions

This wonderful free software or freeware unlocks your lock PDF. Isn't this great? :)

Article Link

"PDF Documents can be protected by the creator by disabling specific functions in the PDF reader. Some options are for example to prevent printing, copying or editing of documents. One way around those restrictions would be to make simple screenshots and print those screenshots if printing would be disabled. This however is not the best way and there is actually a solution that can remove PDF document restrictions easily.

PDF Unlocker (via Techtrends) is a free software that can unlock PDF Document restrictions. This is done by moving the pdf document on the shortcut of PDF Unlocker which will remove the restrictions automatically and create a new pdf document without the restrictions.

This pdf document can be printed, edited and copied. PDF Unlocker has a second function. PDF Documents can be password protected to prevent unauthorized access to them. The software provides a way to unlock the pdf document if the user can provide the password that protects it."

Automated FTP batch file for ftp scripting

This article inspire me on the 'temp ftp script file' concept.
Batch files - Unattended FTP downloads

This batch file will create a temp ftp script file where it would read the contents and execute the commands.

After the end of the command, it will empty the script file and delete it.

::Location where the temporary script file will be created
CD \
CD Temp
:: Create the temporary script file
> script.ftp ECHO username
>>script.ftp ECHO password
>>script.ftp ECHO prompt off
>>script.ftp ECHO put C:\ftp.txt
>>script.ftp ECHO quit

:: Use the temporary script for unattended FTP
FTP -s:c:\temp\script.ftp
:: Overwrite the temporary file before deleting it
TYPE NUL >script.ftp
DEL script.ftp
