IBM ServeRAID LSI Mega Raid Manager on VMware

 The LSI Mega Raid Storage Manager is a program where you can monitor the health of your array, setup drives and change notification details. IBM has always provided a way for you to manage your array in Windows, Linux, Unix and many other operating systems. Currently configuring the LSI Mega Raid Storage Manager on VMware ESXi 5.1 is not very well documented by IBM. IBM has a retain tip with installation instructions but that tip is outdated. Following these steps below will get the LSI Mega Raid Manager running on an IBM ServeRAID adapter. Please note this guide should work the same for any non IBM server that is running VMware ESXi 5.1 and a LSI Mega Raid Controller.

Tested Configuration and Hardware:
Operating System: VMware ESXi
Version: 5.1
IBM ServeRAID M5110
IBM xSeries 3650 M4 Server

Step 1: Download the latest LSI SMIS for VMware


Step 2: Enable SSH on VMware

From the VMware host console press F2 then go into troubleshooting.
VMware KB 2004746

Step 3: Extract the LSI download and upload the VIB file to /tmp

Step 4: Install the VIB
# cd /usr/bin
# esxcli software vib install -v /tmp/LSI_bootbank_lsiprovider_500.04.V0.38-0006.vib --no-sig-check

Step 5: Reboot the VMware server

Step 6: Download and install LSI MegaRaid Manager. The download is on the same URL from step 2 or you can also download this from IBM. MIGR-5077712

Step 7: Add the VMware hostname to your DNS server. Setup an A record to point your VMware hostname to it's IP address.

Step 8: Install LSI Manager

Perform a basic install, no password is needed during the install.

Step 9: Configure LSI Manager

  • configure host

  • lsi mm 2

  • lsi mm 3

  • lsi mm 4

  • lsi mm 5

Login using the VMware server login details.

  • lsi mm 6

  • lsi mm 7

Note: IBM released retain tip H21152 but the steps currently does not work with ESXi 5.1


Once you have followed these steps you will have full control over your IBM ServeRAID using LSI Mega Raid Controller on a VMware ESXi 5.1 operating system. You will be able to monitor the array from any Windows computer in your network.




VMware KB 2004746

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